Keeping Parishioners Safe

What's That On The Bed? How To Avoid Bedbug Infestations This Summer

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Summer is synonymous with vacation travel. Unfortunately, the more you travel—and the more guests you have in your home—the more likely it is that you’ll come in contact with bed bugs. If you’ve ever dealt with bedbugs before, you know how difficult they can be to get rid of. If you’ve never had to deal with bedbugs before, you definitely don’t want to start. They’re nasty creatures that will invade your home and take months to get rid of.…

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3 Reasons To Get Rid Of Old Stumps In Your Yard

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Cutting down a tree is expensive, so many people choose to leave the stump to cut costs. Unfortunately, leaving old stumps in your yard can cause many problems, such as pest infestations inside your home. If you don’t think you need to get rid of that stump, check out these three reasons you should. They Attract Pests to Your Home Pests are just dying to get inside your home because it provides comfort, protection and food.…

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Why You Don't Want Squirrels In Your Attic And How To Get Rid Of Them

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Although squirrels seem like cute little furballs that lure you into throwing them peanuts in your yard, having them on your property can be dangerous to your home. If you feed squirrels and they recognize you as a source of tasty food, they can become aggressive in their quest to get at your food supply. Tossing peanuts to squirrels in your yard is generally a bad idea, and it can lead to increasing numbers of squirrels who then try to break into your attic.…

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