When it comes to pest infestations in your home, one of the most challenging and troubling is raccoons. If you believe that you may have a raccoon in your home, it’s in your best interest to look for some of the most common indicators to confirm it before you call for a racoon removal. Here are some signs to look for as well as an explanation of why it’s best not to try to get rid of raccoons yourself.…
Spring is the time of year when you’ll start to find more pests coming into your home. If you have pests in your home, you need to take action immediately to prevent an infestation. Read on for pests to keep an eye out for in your home and tips to help get rid of them.
Mice can be present in your home in the spring months, as well as winter months.…
As soon as the temperatures drop those small rodents who may have been comfortable making nests outside will start to think your warm home is looking better as the nights grow colder. This is why you want to be sure you are prepared to fend off those rodents as they try to penetrate your home. If they do come inside, you want to get them out as quickly as possible. A ‘mouse in the house’ isn’t as fun as the popular kid’s book makes it sound.…