Keeping Parishioners Safe

FAQs About Pest Infestations, Rental Properties, And The Need For Termite Exterminators

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Does your investment property have termites? Before you spray the walls or try another DIY treatment method, take a look at what landlords need to know about these common pests, the problems they can create, and termite exterminators.  Aren’t Termites Just Big Household Ants? No, termites are not large ants. While they look like an oversized version of the tiny brown or black bugs that also often invade homes, termites do more than forage for food inside of structures.…

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3 Things To Know About Pest Control

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You don’t want to wait until you see pests around your house to have the pest control company come out. If you wait until you see the visual evidence of pest problems, then there may already be a full-blown infestation going on. You can learn why preventative pest control services are so important when you keep reading the rest of this information. Here are three ways preventative pest control can help your home and your family:   …

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2 Things You Can Do To Get Rid Of Ants

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The thing with pests like ants is that they can come into your house no matter how clean it is. It doesn’t mean that your house is dirty; it just means that the ants have found some nutrition in your home. It could be as simple as a drip of water from a pipe or some crumbs that didn’t get swept up. If you have ants, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.…

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