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Three Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation

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Cockroaches are one of the most common pests which may take up residence within your home, and can carry a variety of different diseases. Cockroaches are also notoriously quick breeders, which means that even a small population hidden away within your home can quickly bloom into a full-on infestation. Understanding what some of the warning signs associated with cockroaches in your house are can help you identify a population early so that you can contact a pest control specialist to have them removed before they can multiply.…

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Fruit Flies Aren't As Harmless As They Seem

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We’ve all dealt with fruit flies at some point. They are those seemingly harmless little flies that attract to fruit that is left out in fruit bowls on the counter. While they may seem like a mere annoyance, their presence can actually be harmful to your health. Here’s why: They’re Hairy: You can’t see it with your own eye, but these fruit flies are very hairy. Why is this a problem?…

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How To Prevent Bringing Pests Home With You When Traveling

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It’s fun to go on vacation to get away from any stress at home and to have fun or just relax. It’s always fun to bring home souvenirs from your vacation, but one souvenir you don’t want to bring home is pests such as bed bugs or roaches. It’s important to protect yourself from these pests while traveling, so you don’t end up relocating them to your own home. See below for tips on how to prevent this from happening to you:…

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How to Get Rid of Clover Mites

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Bright red stains around the house may be an indicator of clover mites. Clover mites are tiny insects about 130 to one-inch long that start out red then turn brown upon maturing. They are part of the tick family, but they pose no threat to pets or humans.  However, they can be a nuisance to plants and crops. Follow these tips to get rid of clover mites. Prepare to Do Pest Control…

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Get Rid Of Those Ants

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If you have a hard time keeping ants from taking over your kitchen, then you want to take proactive steps to turn your kitchen into a place they don’t find as appealing. Also, if they do still decide to be stubborn and make their way into your kitchen, then you want to know how to kill them without spraying toxic poisons around the areas where you and your family members prepare your food.…

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Building A Home? Important Steps For Preventing Termites

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From picking a floorplan and finalizing a lender to selecting windows and paint colors for the wall, building a home can become overwhelming. While these decisions are usually considered priorities, focusing on pest prevention during the construction of your home is also necessary. Considering that termites cause an estimated $5 billion in damage each year in the United States, preventing these small pests from entering your home during and after the construction process is imperative.…

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Four Tips For Keeping Rodents Out Of Your School

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From rats to mice, rodents can quickly become a huge concern in a school. These pests can spread diseases like salmonella and staphylococcus, and they may even bite if the students interfere with them. It easier to keep rodents away than to deal with an infestation, so make sure you follow these tips to keep mice and rats away: Don’t allow clutter to accumulate. There are so many supplies in schools that it’s easy for clutter to build up.…

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Firebrats: What Should You Know About This Strange Pest?

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If you notice strange insects during the night that resemble silverfish in speed, appearance, and size, you may think you have a new species of silverfish in your home. The insects you’re seeing are firebrats. Here’s your guide to firebrats, how they invade your home, and what you can do to keep them out. What Are Firebrats? Firebrats and silverfish both belong in the bristletail family, which describes insects with appendages that look similar to three thin tails.…

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Tips For Dealing With Rats In Your Home

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Rats are a type of pest that no homeowner wants to deal with. Seeing a scurrying rat in your home can be very alarming, and it is also possible for rats to carry diseases that can pose a health hazard. Rats can reproduce very quickly, so it is important to be proactive if you suspect that there is a rat infestation in your home. Use the following tips to deal with rats in your house:…

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Termite Control Tips For Homeowners

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A termite infestation can have the potential to cause catastrophic structural damage to your house if it is not treated in a timely manner. While homeowners are often aware of the problems that termites can pose, they may not be knowledgeable about the steps for combating or preventing termites from causing this damage. Have Your Home Undergo A Termite Inspection On A Yearly Basis Termites will most often target areas of the home that are extremely difficult for you to see.…

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